Vaccinations & Medical
Records When Traveling
To Costa Rica
It's recommended that you consult a doctor before coming to Costa Rica regarding vaccinations, either precautionary or required. But you'll find that most vaccinations that might be recommended are usually ones that most people have already received. To see a list of other helpful suggestions, got to the MD Travel Health webpage.
Occasionally, a North American doctor my recommend Malaria medication before coming to Costa Rica. Though this may have been true last century, unless you're camping deep in the rain forest for an extended period of time, or wading through mangroves and swamps on a daily basis, there's really no need for it.
It is recommended that you be up to date on tetanus, polio, typhoid, and infectious hepatitis shots. To stay up to date about any outbreaks of diseases always visit the travel section of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Medical Records
For anyone with preexisting medical conditions, it is recommended that you carry a letter from your doctor describing your condition in detail, and any treatments and prescriptions it requires. Having a letter translated to Spanish would also be prudent in the event of an emergency. If you need to bring medication from home, make sure that it is still in its original container and is clearly labeled. Many of the prescriptions drugs found in North America can be found in Costa Rica. Many are sold over the counter at local pharmacies, and in some cases, even without a prescription. If you have extensive medical issues though, the best bet is to have your medical records with you at all times.